is a proud subscriber to VeriSign Secure Site Services. VeriSign Inc. has long been the leader in web site security and offers to it's subscribers and their clientele a variety of protective features and benefits. When you click on any of the order form links on this site you will aotumatically be routed to our secure server. Once on this server, you may verify the authenticity of this site and it's security features by clicking on the "VeriSign Secure Site Seal" located in the top right corner of the order form page. Any information provided while on this site will be transmitted via state-of-the-art SSL encryption, which protects confidential information from interception and hacking. You can be confident that any purchase you make is backed by the most reliable and secure operations infrastructure and comprehensive security, trust, and authentication practices anywhere. VeriSign authentication procedures have withstood the most rigorous scrutiny from independent third-party auditors. In fact, VeriSign was the first Certificate Authority in the world to have passed an extensive independent SAS 70 Type II audit by KPMG, the global accounting and consulting firm. (The Statement of Auditing Standard 70, SAS 70, was established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to certify trusted practices.) | |